Tuesday, March 13, 2007

J.Hud Gets Free Burger Kang for Life

Talk about a deal of a lifetime, the Burger Kang franchise in Chitown, the place who gainfully employed J.Hud when she was 16, has awarded her an all-you-can-eat pass for life, proclaiming, "Burger King Corp. is proud of Jennifer's success . . . Our loss is the entertainment industry's gain."
When asked last week why she didn't thank "American Idol" in her Oscar speech, Hudson snapped, "If I'd been any better at my job when I was at Burger King in my middle teens, I wouldn't be here, either, so maybe I should thank them, too."
Lucky whore, but I wouldn't do it if I were her, she'll be shitting little green men for life, true story.


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    See that's how she got in this predicament...'dem damn free burgers!

  2. Anonymous5:49 PM

    lol@ shitting 2 little green men
