Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Rumors Are True.....

[Click Picture to see Brian White's Mandingo]


  1. LMAO!!! The rumors aren't true. His ass just so happens to fall into that category. Though I'm not a fan of the "light skin black guy" (I like em dark and lovely), I have had a few "encounters" AND to counteract that rumor, the "johnson" was nicely sized.

  2. This picture just made me want to pray. ADB!!

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    OMG....like I said you know how to make me throw up....how about a "NSFW" next time.....if I wanted to see dics.....No Homo.....no comment...lol


  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Its not true. Its not true- oH gohd its soooo not true. It was photoshopped. I swear its not true.

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    He looks suspect anyway!!

  6. Ummm...some two-tones are packing. He seems gay to me...hmm. Not attractive with our without his clothes on. Next.

  7. [wiping my computer screen after viewing that photo]
    I (uh) don't think he is representin' for all Mulatto's of the world.

  8. Anonymous9:56 AM

    juiicy you've just had bad luck!!

  9. Anonymous2:17 PM

    light skin boys do NOT have small pee-pee's! what the heck kinda BS is that??lol. plus brian white is fine as hell, just cuz he was soft in the pic duznt mean he cant Rise 2 the occasion...

  10. Anonymous7:47 PM

    This is so not true all the lightskins I've had the pleasure of experiencing have never been anywhere near small and if I find a small lightskinned man I will cry forever!!!
