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Deelishus's New Video- RumpShaker

Yeah you read it right. Someone had enough nerve to not only let Deelishus squeeze her ass in a recording studio, but to ALSO produce this mess some would call a music video. If UnCUT was still on BET (how I miss it so) this would be the number one requested joint.

Ok ok, I watched the video 3 times already, she's my new girl crush, from the head down of course.

This video is a hot mess just like the song!!!

It's weird how I'm not as appalled as I thought I'd be. This is definitely an Uncut video. And did you see Becky, Saaphyri, Shay, and I think Cristal in the video? Talk about milking your 15 minutes of fame!

It sounds like that "I don't think you ready for this jelly" song by Destiny's Child.

This is the most horrible trainwreck I've seen in a long time! I can't believe someone let her make that damn video. That hussy is a great candidate for the next season of Flavor of Love Charm School. I'm sorry, but didn't she look like she had dimples in her thighs? Damn, this is someone's mother.

Video is expected but the song is HORRIBLE.

I agree with the person below when the said the video is expected but the song was horrible. I feel Deelishes dont have to use her ass for everything. She is a pretty girl and she can really sing as a recall on flavor of love. She need to really run across some real producer and stop making low budget videos. And yes she did have alot of dimples in her thighes. A real video director wouldn't have her looking like that. The only thing that looked good on her was her make-up and hair and they filled in her gap in her mouth.......

That was a waste of time, money, and energy. WHAT A HOT GHETTO ASS MESS!!!

Deelishus, is a great looking woman. But you would not know it because she detracts from her looks by always posing ass first. There is nothing wrong with her body it's beautiful & her curves are outstanding. But she should definitely stop approaching every photo opt ass first. The video is just more of her ass propaganda. Deelishus on flavor of love you were the only one carrying yourself with class. Now everytime I see you its all about ass.....What happen!

Is it me or did I see more of her butt then her face ? hmmm ...

Hmmmm. I didnt like it. What happened to her I mean who produced it she shouldve went to Scott Storch or someone. And a good director hmmm Hype Williams Perhaps. He did Beyonce Check On It. Yeah u saw her showing her butt but it was in jeans and you actually saw her face! Shes a talented singer, but Its not working for u honey Sorry. Thats My opinion but im sure theres kids and women shaking their butts in front of the tv.

Hmmmm. I didnt like it. What happened to her I mean who produced it she shouldve went to Scott Storch or someone. And a good director hmmm Hype Williams Perhaps. He did Beyonce Check On It. Yeah u saw her showing her butt but it was in jeans and you actually saw her face! Shes a talented singer, but Its not working for u honey Sorry. Thats My opinion but im sure theres kids and women shaking their butts in front of the tv.

What was going through her mind when she was in the studio? No, what was going through her mind when she was at the video shoot? On FOL2, she looked so classy. Now she's just...assy!

I like this video. I think Deelishis represents the thick sisthas(like myself) very well. This just goes to show that you don't have to be skin and bones to have it going on. You go girl, keep it shakin'!!!!!

Well, someone is going to buy the song and you KNOW that somebody's
man will watch this ASSY video.


She is seriously cute

she got a real good voice n a bangin body of course all she gotta do iz get some real producer instead of the generic brand ones n make somethin happen

DEELISHIS!!!!!!!! What is wrong with you???? I mean I love you and everything but you dont have to put your self out there like that!!! You are a very talented singer and I love the song but the music video I mean come on!!!!! That was a little... NO ALOT TO MUCH and no one should carry themselves like that. Now I really dont want to compare you to New York and Bootz but your turning into them. I really didnt want to say that but its the truth. Well you did that to soon (at least if your going to do stuff like that) because most artist who do that kind of stuff have been in that industry along time so it works out but your just now coming out so you might get a bad impression by the lady fans. But a great impression from the male fans and you would want to have a great immpression on all the fans. Wich would mean more publicty for you and even more money. Well Im glad your reprisentin for the thick girls but PLEASE just stick with the jeans and a little RUMP SHAKING!!! You also wouldnt want to send the wrong message to young teens and kids. I mean Im only 12 turning 13 in november and Im saying all this. Well Imma still souport you and buy your C.D. when it comes out. Good luck with the advice everyone and myself are giving you. ;)

I like it. Deelishis keep trying and u will succeed, but if u stop ,u won't. If u need a real true friend n ur life, holla at me. BIGGARY1963@YAHOO.COM


Good now when I masterbate to Deelishus I got a rhythm to keep with.

i def didnt enjoy the video as much as i thought i would. i was pretty excited to see what deelishus could do but i got to agree that she should picked a better producer..better look..hell , a better song maybe!! it could be a hoppin song but its too just obviously from deelishus..ass this ass that. she needs to portray herself better.

=much luv

look yall hoes need to get off deelishus' ass yall are jus haters
people who are talkin mess yall probably ugly as hell so stop worring about what she is doin an mind to ur own life an stay outta hers
an whoeva wrote she is walkin hiv back the hell up off of her
i thought this video was good an i like it
yall are jus mad because she ha as body yall dont
i bet if u had a body like hers u would be doin the same as she is doin an makin the money she is makin
i love deelishus she is kool as wat i seen
love yah gurl

it's a bad song which is sad b/c remember on flavor of love when deelishus sang for flave and he cried? she has an awesome voice and this song DOES NOT show it at all. come on deelishus!

I hear that Deelishus is REALLY into getting her ass eaten out. can anyone comment on the validity of that right thurr?

Wow, I actually thought there was more to het than her butt...this video proved me wrong.

She's incredibly talented, but she went way too far with this video.

Oh, and did you notice that she took dance moves from the show and put them into the video?

Some of you are really pathetic. Just give the girl her props. I am a woman and I can not deny that her body is bangin!!!!!!!!! I wish I had a body like that. I mean I'm pretty damn fine, but my ass ain't that fat and I am not curved up like that. Usually when women hate it is becuz they are not attractive themselves. SECURE women have no problem. She is fine. No, I'm not gay, I like men, but it is what it is. Who is talking about or looking at dimples in thighs??!! Trust me your man ain't looking at that!! As a thick black woman, I know most of us have them. Trust me, the men don't even see that!! Talk to Kat Williams. Lastly, yeah the video is sorta tasteless, but she can sing and she is not ugly. So all your hata's she told yall to back it up!!!

Ok, why is everyone hating on Deelishus? Her male counterparts have produced more salacious songs and videos then this and they didn't get all this hate. Remember the original Rumshaker video by WrecksNEffect. That is hailed as a Hip-hop classic. And what about Cisqo's Thong Song. Several male hip-hop/rap artist have produced songs worst then this that went on to become #1 hits; Lil John, Ying Yang etc, but they get love. They have even been a few nasty girls putting out risque songs that go on to be hits. So why hate on Deelishus? I like the song! If you listen to it in its genre of music, it is ok. Deelishus sounds good, her voice was very professional. The video could be a whole lot better. I agree too much ass (can't believe I said that), but a video with Deelishus and no ass shot would be a travesty of justice!

Sup to da world leave that gurl alone obviously she got everybody attention and yes including mine. People are so quick to judge, who knows what she is going through in her life I mean dang ya gotta start somewhere and she probly didn't have to show her body like that but dont hate just cuz you dont look like that!! hee hee hee. If you want to encourage her, then do it you dont have to cut her down first. What goes around comes around haters!!!!!!!!

Well Well Well I thought it was your ordinary hiphop video. I thought it was ok being that the girl tryna make money. Only thing I would say is get a betta coreographer cause the dancin sucks!!!!!!!

this was not good. i dont know. it is just like all the others. whatever. good luck to her.

To the owner of this site....Her name is DEELISHIS!!! NOT DEELISHUS!!
Get it right!

1:58 - it just fell apart from there. That unflattering scene, to the lame break, to the lame rapper & the dance scene with those chairs. I mean, THOSE chairs? Seriously now, my school had better ones. God, the song had potential, she had potential, even the video had some - but then this.

But everyone, before we decide to close the lid on her 15 minutes check out the remix with Trina. The Baddest Bitch takes it up a few notches and actually makes the track hot. I heard the remix thankfully before this hot mess or I'd never have discovered... dare I even call it a music video.

ok ok ok. let me say this. they sign anybody these days!!!!!!!!!! and wat really gets on ma nerves is, the people that have incredible singin and rapping skills, cant get a break. deelishes is pretty, no homo. but she cant sing. if u noticed, in the song, she was basically wispering. they only gave her it so she can shake her butt.

All of y'all talkin' trash about this. It looks just like a Beyonce video. If it was Beyonce, half of y'all would be praising it. Calling it sexy etc. Y'all fulla shite!

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