Weekly Vent
This vent is called "Dear Mr.Janitor Man/Lady"
I have a bone to pick with the both of you, lets start with Mr. Janitor Man first.
Isn't there some toilets that need to be cleaned, carpets that need to be vacuumed or trash that needs your utmost attention? Then why do you persist to come and clean my windows and empty my trash can upfront atleast 4 times a day. I'm not here for casual conversation and I believe last weekend I actually got high off of the window cleaning fumes. Thanks alot. I do not care to know that your wife makes $18,000 a year (which you consider "good money") by working at a blood bank, nor do I care that you go and donate blood twice every week to add to the families income. My LAST beef with you is, why is it everytime I feel that it's safe to "quietly" pass gas your ass decides to stroll up here to empty my trash .. it never fails, right when I want to do a "one cheek sneak" you decide "Hey, I need to empty the receptionists trash for the 3rd time today. Stop that. It's not healthy for me and in the long run it won't be healthy for you.
Dear Mrs. Janitor Lady
These are the things that I don't care to hear/know about you
I have a bone to pick with the both of you, lets start with Mr. Janitor Man first.
Dear Mr. Janitor Man,
Isn't there some toilets that need to be cleaned, carpets that need to be vacuumed or trash that needs your utmost attention? Then why do you persist to come and clean my windows and empty my trash can upfront atleast 4 times a day. I'm not here for casual conversation and I believe last weekend I actually got high off of the window cleaning fumes. Thanks alot. I do not care to know that your wife makes $18,000 a year (which you consider "good money") by working at a blood bank, nor do I care that you go and donate blood twice every week to add to the families income. My LAST beef with you is, why is it everytime I feel that it's safe to "quietly" pass gas your ass decides to stroll up here to empty my trash .. it never fails, right when I want to do a "one cheek sneak" you decide "Hey, I need to empty the receptionists trash for the 3rd time today. Stop that. It's not healthy for me and in the long run it won't be healthy for you.
Dear Mrs. Janitor Lady
These are the things that I don't care to hear/know about you
- Please stop telling me you are going to have a hysterectomy, I've heard about this surgery for the past 3 months. I know you hurt. Shut up.
- Please stop telling me that you are scared to laugh for fear that you will piss/poop on yourself due to you not being able to control your bowels.. . get over it.
- I can careless that you got drunk off of 2 bottles of Boones Farms and 2 shots of Tequila last night and drunk dialed your old Mexican Lover from California and that he's supposed to call you on Thursday to re-kindle an old romance. I don't care. He doesn't want you anymore, pretty soon you won't be able to pop out his lil chicano's.. S
- Please tell your grown ass daughter to stop coming up here whining that she wants "her mommy".. tell her to take her ass to school.
*whew*.. I feel better about myself now!
Last weeks vent: Dear Roommate