Married So Soon?
I swore 2 days ago I posted that MelB and Akeem were courting each other.. now word is they are getting married?! I think she should get married in Zamunda.. it's a real place ya know
Eddie Murphy and Spice Girl Mel B will reportedly marry in September. After
only a month of dating, the couple are rumored to have booked LA's Roosevelt
Hotel for their "dream wedding." A source told the Daily Star, "Mel just wants
her and Eddie's close family to be there for the simple blessing. But they will
be inviting their friends to a lavish wedding breakfast reception at the venue

Kelly Rowland.. Pregnant

Destiny's Child alum Kelly Rowland has announced that she is pregnant. In an interview with AMG music, Rowland confirmed the rumors that had been circulating and admitted that she is two months pregnant. "It was definitely a surprise!" the singer said. "It's kind of a bittersweet feeling because I was planning to release an album next year." Rowland said the record will be pushed back until late 2007 or early 2008.
I'm speechless...
Beyonce and Mom Being Sued
Beyonce and Tina Knowles and their House of Dereon clothing line are facing a $1.5 million lawsuit. Icon Entertainment CEO Greg Walker filed the suit last week, claiming he has not be fully compensated for securing a $15 million deal he set up between the Knowleses and Wear Me Apparel, the clothing company they are collaborating with for their line.
I'm thinking B's mom got a hold of that deniro and got her a new face, she looks almost younger then B.

Another Sidekick Hacker..

First it was Paris Hilton, then Nick Cannon, now Lindsey Lohan is claiming that her sidekick has been hacked and she suspects Paris had something to do with it.
A source said: "Some people think Paris may have been involved because the
wording of the messages sounds very familiar."
Makes ya think twice about wanting that sidekick 3 huh!?! I think there should be a Mean Girls 2 with Lindsey, Nicole and Paris, I'm gonna email someone about that.
Mariah wears short shorts
Ya know, I think I actually had a pair of these bad boys back in 88'.. Her style-points has gone down since she emancipated Mimi, she shoulda kept that bitch locked up, atleast then she dressed like she had some sense.