This is the chick singer from the group "Black Eye'd Peas" Fergie has lead quite an interesting life.1. She's bedded ladies, that's right, Fergie WAS a self-acclaimed lesbian. I don't know you go from munching the carpet to sucking the hog but according to her it happened. Here are her exact words: "I have had my head in between a woman’s legs with my tongue in the out position."
2. She was a drug-dealer. But not just any drug-dealer, this chick dealt drugs on the mean streets of LA. What made her stop slinging those thangs was when she had a gun put to her head during a drug deal that went wrong.
3. To top everything off, this chick isn't afraid to pee on herself in public! How hood is that.

Ok so it wasn't that interested, I just mainly posted this for all the closet lesbians so you can start sending her friend requests on myspace.