Diddy Is a Damn Fool
"Lindsey Lohan.. ya late, ya shoulda followed my pretty ass from the beginning.. ya [white bitches] "
I think that's what he said, I don't know. I don't speak gorilla
I saw this pic on Crunktastical and I didn't even know who it was until I hit up Vibe. Ya'll decide if this is Keyshia or photoshop.Keyshia's Thong Picture
Idlewild CD Review
Unfortunately, OutKast's seventh album, "Idlewild," doesn't do much to suggest the group has a bright future. Instead, it finds the duo still going their own ways as they face a dubious challenge: how to wedge rap vocals into Depression-era swing, blues, and vaudeville arrangements
If this is the multimedia spectacle the OutKast brain trust has selected to punctuate their transition from Dirty South musical pioneers into pop megadandies, it's a bust.
Their shortcomings are more apparent when they're apart, especially when it comes to Dre, who seems a lot more interested in singing these days. His wang-dang-doodling on the harmonica-laced "Idlewild Blue" and jivey histrionics on the jumping "PJ & Rooster" never approach the authority of his rapping. Big Boi's sensitive-pimp flow invigorates the introspective breakup ballad "Peaches" and the vagabond's manifesto "The Train," but his feisty musical conversations with Dre are missed.
Meandering tunes such as "Mutron Angel," "BuggFace," and nearly nine interminable minutes of "A Bad Note" ratchet up the filler quotient to an intolerable level.
In the past, even OutKast's throwaways held allure. On "Idlewild," they come across like the doodlings of masters who have let their relationship -- and once-impeccable musical standards -- slip.
Grade: C+
Kelis Was Here CD Review
Kelis Was Here" could have been subtitled "... But the Neptunes Weren't." This fourth CD from the R&B/hip-hop chanteuse is, in fact, the first not to feature the production skills of Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo, the pair responsible for crafting Kelis' dairy-industry-pleasing 2003 hit "Milkshake."
Not that the CD is short of heavyweight hitmakers, with Scott Storch, Max Martin, Gnarls Barkley's Cee-Lo, and ubiquitous Black Eyed Peas overlord will.i.am all taking turns behind the studio desk. The results are eclectic, erratic, and lacking anything likely to repeat the success of "Milkshake."
On the will.i.am-produced "Till the Wheels Fall Off," a slinky homage to early-'70s funk, Kelis sounds huskily terrific, and the pounding, Timbalandesque "Blindfold Me" (actually overseen by Jamie Foxx/Ludacris collaborator Polow Da Don) proves the perfect launchpad for the singer's sex-object-on-her-own-terms persona.
Meanwhile, the clattering call-and-response track "What's That Right There" (another will.i.am production) seductively continues the foodstuff as erotic metaphor of "Milkshake," as the singer announces that she has "something for the lollipop."
But elsewhere, Kelis' vocals are surprisingly anonymous, occupying rather than owning, for example, the pleasant, Cee-Lo co-penned "Lil Star ...." The album's hands-down worst track is the jazzy "Circus," on which the woman also known as Mrs. Nas admits she's "not a rapper" prior to unleashing a series of rhymes that are clunky enough even before they get around to name-checking David Letterman.
Retahded Rumors
I will NOT entertain the idea that Beyonce and Jay-Z are getting married unless B personally text messages me ...
The former Destiny’s Child member is planning a late November wedding on the Caribbean island of Anguilla. Guests at the bash will dine on $300,000 worth of Beluga caviar as well as lobster and Italian truffles and will wash it down with $200 bottles of Dom Perignon. Knowles’ wedding dress will be modeled after Princess Diana’s, reports the Star, and among the guests invited are Oprah Winfrey and U.N. head Kofi Annan.
“Beyoncé’s telling friends it will be ‘the wedding to end all weddings,’” according to the source. “Beyoncé feels like she’s living a fairy tale so why shouldn’t her wedding be equally magical?”
The REAL Real Reason Kanye Got Engaged
So there has always been speculation about Kanye and soon-to-be wifey Alexis, like where the hell did she come from and what happened to "Brooke" Well here is the lowdown
The chick who Kanye was talking about on "Through the Wire" and his "Never Let You Down" song was Sumeke Rainey (lyric: Yes I promise you Mr.Rainey I'm gonna marry your daughter and you know I gotta thank you for the way that she was brought up) She was the chick who stood behind him after the accident. They seperated after 7 years when he started getting fame.
Brooke Crittidon was a chick he took the the Grammy's .. no special relationship there.
Alexis- Kanye met Alexis while moving to LA after gaining fame. Apparently Alexis was married to NFL star Roman Phiefer for a hot minute and even has a 10 year old son with him.
So now the real reason is why did Kanye seem to rush and get married? Well Mediatakeout and others suggest it's to cover up his "down low" sexuality. on top of that, they are also saying that Alexis may be pregnant. Who knows.. this all may just be a rumor.
Quote of the Day
Kevin Federline: "I passed my [GED] test with flying colors"
Yeah B.. You Jacked It.
I knew someone has this Roberto Cavalli Swimming Suit on.. First Posh Spice and then Kelis is her lastest video "Bossy"
[photo from Perezhilton and Juicy-News]
African-American Tribe:
Asian-American Tribe:
Hispanic Tribe:
White Tribe:
I don't watch Survivor but this is a sure fire way to take full advantage of pulling out the "race card" for any group who feels they were treated differently. What do ya'll think?
p.s. I'm mad that the first person in the Asian American tribe owned a nail salon!
I swear this is the last time I'll say anything about the "Chicken Noodle Soup" jizz going on. But I HAD to post this as an instructional video for me & Amber so next weekend we can let it rain, and clear it out
It saddens me to say that my white boo Scott 'Mothereffin' Storch is a member of the "hit it and quit it" club. Some heffa lady says that Storch is the father of her 4 month old child named Jalen Scott Storch. She [baby momma] claims she is unemployed with ZERO cash in the bank and her only assets are an '03 Pontiac Grand Am and '04 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, valued at a total of $21,000. She is seeking custody and child support.
Storch did not respond to the suit, so a Miami judge declared Storch the "legal, natural and biological father" by default and will determine child support and other financial issues at a later date.Miami Herald
1. How you gonna be a biological father by DEFAULT??
2. Bitch you better sell those cars and get to stompin in ya air force ones.
I wasn't going to post this at first but as I was reading how the incident went down I couldn't stop from laughing. Pretty much Busta Bust kicked a teen in his face for spitting on his car. Here's the commentary, lets just call the boy.. Chad.
Chad *spits on car*
Busta- “Homie, did you just spit on my car?”
Chad-“Sorry, I didn’t mean to’ ’We’re big fans of yours’
“Then one of his people hit me in the face, and I fell to the ground.”Then, Chad claimed, Rhymes joined in. “While I was on the ground, he was kicking me in the face,” he told the New York Daily News. “I saw him kick me.”
I wonder if Busta was screaming WOOOHAAA during this whole incident...
On another note, a few clips have been leaked from Beyonces B-Day album. Check them out
People Magazine recently held a poll on who has the best ass.. It's sad that they would even think some of these chicks could have as much booty power as Selena J.Lo
Here's the poll results as of now, I'm mad Jessica Simpson beat out Beyonce.. hell I'm mad all these chicks except J.Lo beat out B.... ya'll know who's voting ;)
Jennifer Lopez-21%
Eva Longoria-20%
Jennifer Aniston-14%
Jessica Simpson-13%
Halle Berry-9%
Jessica Alba-7%
Jessica Biel-6%