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I'm Snitchinnnnn

What'dup Everybody...It's Freezy here. No I'm not 100% but I'm getting there. After smashing your car into a wall, Kanye West vs. 50 cent doesn't really come close to the important things in life at the end of my day. BUT it is my job to keep you all informed with the entertainment news so I promise I will get this blog up in running in the coming weeks. Also God bless Juiicy for fighting for our country! With the races things I've seen on Dr. Phil today, it pisses me off that were fighting a war for ungrateful bastards like that. But enough with the politics, lets get to the entertainment shall we.

I present to you, Micheal Vick vs. 50 cent in : I'm Snitchinnnnn!



Wow. Not "dug" - clearly B-More is behind that illustration. 50's chicklet front teeth were pretty accurate.


It's so lame and mediocre, it's funny!!!!!!!!!!

welcome back Fiya!! and leave dog pound kill alone. the creators of those video's need to be spanked!!! LOL

I am so pissed over how stupid Vick was about the whole situation cause that was my team, but I ain't even gonna lie, that was funny as shyt.....I'm snitchiiiinnnnn!!!! LOL

races or racist?

way funny

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