Bored??Instead of feeding your stalkerish tendencies by browsing random people's profiles on myspace, check out these celebrity myspace pages, it's a great way to past time unless you can't get the damn thing at work then that shit sucks balls.
Celeb Myspace PagesThat's what friends are for
Access Hollywood host Shaun Robinson and a bunch of friends celebrated her
birthday at Koi Tuesday night. Beaming Shaun was obviously not in mourning over
her fizzled romance with Eddie Murphy. Rush Hour comic Chris Tucker popped
over to their table and sang a hilarious version of Happy Birthday to giggling
Shaun (Don't get ideas - he's happily married.). When it was time to leave and
Shaun's party asked for their check, the waiter told them that Tucker had paid
for everything.
That's soo sweet, I'm sure in like 3 weeks rumors are gonna be circulating that these two are dating.. I can FEEL this shit!
Britney is a poet ya'llApparently mommy takes a big ol’ hit on the ganja pipe before she settles down on her laptop and shares her thoughts about tigers while Sean P rolls around on the floor eating lint.
Who gave this chick the password for her site?!
Letoya's BET ShowLeToya has a new show reality show debuting tonight on BET @ 10. First off.. Heck NO.. In Living Color will be on, and secondly, where the hell was I at when this executive decision was being made, I've never even seen promo ad's for it. Well atleast ya'll will get first hand experience on what a bama from H-town REALLY sounds like.
Danity Kain's Album CoverThese chicks don't have a chance. I watched the show ONCE and was so bored that I switched over to youTube to watch people Taze each other. Needless to say I'm sure they'll be on the $3 cd rack at Hastings in about 2 weeks.

.. and on some other P.Diddy shit he told Aubrey that her hair looked like a "bootleg wig"... this coming from a man who's mom walks around lookin like THIS ERY DAMN DAY. 
Kimora Lee on the beach
If you couldn't tell she had Asian in her before, you damn sure can tell now, I didn't know her booty was that flat.

Welcome Back Sisqo
Sisqo's new album is just about finished. In late June, there was a listening party at a lounge in downtown Baltimore. Supposedly, a new single titled "Who's Your Daddy?" has already been released, although I have yet to hear it on any radio station. I saw a recent pic of him, he's lookin old as hell I hope he comes out with something hot.. it would a shame to waste all of that.. "talent".. hehehehe
This pic's just for shits and giggles!
K-Fed will perform at the Teen Choice AwardsOhh snap, this will mos def. be the highlight of my summer K-Fed will be performing some ungodly sounding rap song at the Teens Choice award to August 20 ,this is a sure fire way to boost his street cred. Please oh please let him perform Pappozoa or whatever the funk it's called.
Welcome Back C-Murder
The "No Limit" Rap Artist C-Murder (Master P's brother) whos' famous for the song... well.. he really ain't that famous. Has been released from home confinement as he waits a re-trail for second degree murder.. homeboy shot& killed a 16 year old outside of a night club during a fight. Under the judge's order, Miller can move freely in Jefferson and Orleans parishes, but must be home from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. He is barred from drinking alcohol and going to bars, and visitors to his residence are restricted.
Come on black people, why is there always a need to be shooting up shit, and most importantly what club were they at that allowed a 16 year old to get in?
Outkast turns down Oprah
Oprah recently extended the invitation for Outkast to appear on her show September 6, which they politely declined.. now I know you're probably thinking this has something to do with the hiphop boycott but it's not. It seems like there is trouble in paradise between these two,it's been rumored that Andre doesn't want to have anything to do with promoting the new upcoming album, he's turning all thespian like and just wants to act. Of course this is messing up the relationship with Big Boy because he's trying to plug the album as much as he can and not going on Oprah would be a big chance to promote the album.
StoryItÂs not part of the hip-hop boycott, however. Sources tell me that Antwan
'Big Boi' Patton wants do the show, but Andre '3000' Benjamin has declined,
effectively nixing the deal.
Benjamin is said to be averse to doing almost anything to help the album, and that decision is making Patton properly upset.
Outkast is an ongoing truce anyway. The two artists literally make separate
songs that are combined together. Benjamin no longer tours with the group, and
Patton is said to be steamed about the way things have gone.
Micheal tries to adopt Brazilian babies
This shouldn't even be allowed, first he wanted to go look for Leprecauns, now adopt lil brazilian babies.
At first he wanted two boys, then a boy and a girl. ÂHe couldnÂt make up his
mind, says a source. ÂHe was also looking at 3-year-olds and
4-year-olds. Story
He's CRRRAAAZZZYYYY ,he's gonna adopt a boy and a girl then mate them so they can produce a myraid of lightskin Micheal Jackson mini me's to take over the entire universe.