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Tommy Hilfiger Still Hates Black People

[Mya, Russell Simmons and Rosario Dawson wished designer Tommy Hilfiger good luck backstage before his show at New York City's Hammerstein Ballroom. ]

Just for fun, let’s try a blind item for you gossip aficionados. Which ubiquitous, young(ish) singer didn’t get seated with the other cool kids at Tommy Hilfiger’s show and spent the entire production pulling a completely petulant bitchface?

It was Mya, who, to be fair, was so precariously crammed onto the end of her front-row bleacher that she probably had to concentrate pretty hard on not slipping off and falling on her ass. She made no effort to hide her irritation at this snub and spent the whole show pulling every face in the book (except a decent poker face).


I cannot believe that all these years later, this shit is popping up online again. He NEVER said that . . . He was never on Oprah's show. Do a search for it, and you will see that it never happened.

The same was said of Liz Claiborne . . . My people are famous for spreading shit like this, and keeping it around. Everytime someone Black sees me with an Elvis Presley item, they have to say that "Elvis said ain't nothin' a niggah can do for me is shine my shoes." He never said that . . . His manager said that. His manager also cheated him out of half his fortune. Nobody remembers that Elvis bought a sister a Cadilac one time when she admired his . . . And I am certain that no one has taken any time to actually READ something to figure out whether or not the shit is true.

hello russell simmons rev run brother off of runhouse how daniel simmons and the rest of the gang

Rosario looks great here.

to the anon above me:

did you actually hear him say this? you actually saw the words come out of his and lizz's mouth? if you didn't then there's a chance that its not true.

i like it very much it is very good i enjoyed

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