You ain't IKE..

I'm not a champagne type of girl, gimme some Rum and Coke and I'll be happier then a chinese hooker.
....Also if anyone knows how to stretch a reality show it's VH1, they are setting up production for a new show, the concept is a "My Fair Lady" type show. The girls will be enrolled in a charm school and will compete to be the finest lady, Mo'nique will be their teacher.
Brandy and her boyfriend were seen out and about. Such a lovely couple, don't you agree!
[picture courtesy of ConcreteLoop]
Golden Brookes, work it.
J.Lo was spotted outside of her Miami Hotel room with her mom. She's a natural beauty by all means.
[pictures courtesy of ONTD]
Ellen & Portia
Donald & Ivana
Britney & Kevin
Beyonce and Jay Z
Brad & Angelina
Oprah and Stedman
Ashton & Demi
Bobby and Whitney