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Serena Williams Isn't Pregnant

Someone's needs to conduct Father Williams interviews for him, after he was quoted in an interview as saying, “Serena has a few problems that we haven't talked to no one about,I think she's done a marvelous job of hiding it. Extremely marvelous." Rumors went buck-wild assuming he meant she did a marvelous job of hiding her "pregnancy".

Of course she's not pregnent he means she did a marvelous job of hiding her man balls through out all these years. Jackie is her decoy, or maybe not, he looks like he'd be a 'top".


Who started that lie in the first place??

who would even believe this...


Mediatakeout probably started the lie, they are infamous for starting outrageous rumors.

you need to shut the hell up, she's not a man...she's just built and yes she is pregnant

Damn, can a sister get some love??? Serena and Venus have both been great role models as athletes and respectable black women. So, she's a little (okay, a lot) muscular...you would be, too, if you worked as hard as she does on the court.


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Showing allwas quite thrilling, especially that most intimate of areas between the legsand especially between the lips. As she went throughher toiletries a devious plan began to formulate inher mind and added an extra spark and spring in herstep.

This will not really work, I suppose this way.
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