50 Still Has Vivica Sprung..
"I'm still learning from that experience," She says with a quick chuckle. "I just trusted too soon. I do that and it's sad because I'm generous and giving by nature. I thought I could deal with someone who I thought was on the same level, but Vivica will always have love for 50. I think there's a couple of people who you really truly love and people, for some reason, thought I was only with him because he could do something for me. No, I loved him and I'll always love him. The saddest part is that I really liked him as a person because he's old fashioned. He's like a very quiet storm." She loved him so much that she wasn't even really hurt by all those darts and arrows he slung at her in the press following thier breakup about how she used him. "He didn't mean it," she said slowly. "He likes to shock peole. Deep down in his heart, it was just him recapturing his manhood"
..and Aunt Vivi on her plastic surgery
It doesn't affect me what people say. I 'm in the entertainment business and people like to see you look good. If there are steps I have to take to look good, I'm going to do it. I don't hold it against anyone else, but if people want to hold it against me an create their own stories, so be it. If they were in my shoes and they had to do what they had to do to look good, then they would understand my journey. When I look in the mirror I still see Vivica and that's all that matters to me. If I still look the same that I did 20 years ago then something must be working"
..and Aunt Vivi on her plastic surgery
It doesn't affect me what people say. I 'm in the entertainment business and people like to see you look good. If there are steps I have to take to look good, I'm going to do it. I don't hold it against anyone else, but if people want to hold it against me an create their own stories, so be it. If they were in my shoes and they had to do what they had to do to look good, then they would understand my journey. When I look in the mirror I still see Vivica and that's all that matters to me. If I still look the same that I did 20 years ago then something must be working"
50 puts it down, point blank, aint' no chick gonna let a man humiliate her and still talk about the love she has for him unless she's Shar Jackson.
Good Morning T.I.! Yeah this is a ugly cover, she looks all old and dated.
Posted by
juiicySCOOP |
9:01 AM
Ew, Vivi is a beautiful person but you can never tell.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:03 AM
How long were they together? 5 WEEKS?
It just don't remember them being together that long.
Posted by
A Hot Mess |
10:57 AM
50 must have gave it to Vivica so good then! damn!
Posted by
Chi-Chi |
11:44 AM
Nice dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:09 PM