Anna Nicole Smith Collapses

MSNBC reports that Anna Nicole Smith collapsed in her hotel room at the Hard Rock Cafe and Casino in Hollywood, Fla., and was rushed to a hospital on Thursday. A Hollywood, Fla., fire department spokesman told MSNBC TV that the actress was unresponsive when the rescue unit arrived on the scene.
Sources confirmed to Access Hollywood that Smith was transported to Memorial Regional Hospital shortly after 2 p.m. EST on Thursday. Access Hollywood also is reporting that Smith was intubated at the scene.
Officials told the Miami Herald, "it does not look good."
UPDATE: CNN is reporting that Anna Nicole was "Dead On Arrival", I can't find anything online but I'll update as soon as I can.
UPDATE II: It's been confirmed by CNN that Anna Nicole has indeed died after being found unconscious in her hotel room. Check out to get the full info. My prayers go out to her 5 month-old daughter Dani Lynn and family. As you may remember Anna has a lawsuit against her pertaining to Trimspa, and also she was to meet with the courts to determine paternity of her daughter Dani Lynn on Feb.21.
God rest her soul...
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:11 PM
I'm going to go ahead and put it out there. I think Howard K. Stern (husband/sleeze ball/attorney) had something to do with it. It's more than a coincidence that her son died (of a "drug overdose") while Stern was in the room and now he was in the room when Anna "overdosed"? Come on...I doubt it was for her money (she hadn't come up on that big chunk from her first marriage yet & the reality money wasn't coming in as fast) but I think she either A.) Found out he had something to do with Daniels death or B.) She told him that the baby, in all actuality, WASN'T his.
Just some theories but you can't tell me this sleeze didn't have anything to do with it.
R.I.P. Anna
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:32 PM
I just want to say R.I.P Anna, I have read some very harsh statements posted on other web sites and regardless how you felt about her in the living have some respect for the dead....If you don't have anything nice to say the keep it to yourself....We will all die one day, would you want someone disgracing you or your family!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:58 PM
Good-bye, Anna, we're going to miss you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:22 PM
This news caught me off guard.... I saw on E.T that she bought a new house and it was going to be a new beginning for her and her daughter, and now she's gone. I guess her son wanted her by his side in heaven. I just hope somebody with good sense take good care of Dani Lynn. My heart and prayers goes out to her family and friends. May she rest peacefully....
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:27 AM
Regardless of all the negative stuff that has been said and written abot her, there was something I LIKED about her and I am really sad that this happened and hope that she is at peace regardless of how she went. I wish the best for her baby girl and hope that a good life is provided for her.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:47 AM
R.I.P Anna Nicole Smith
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:49 AM
I don't think Anna's death was accidental. I think her sleazy husband or whatever had something to do it with it. And I also believe that Anna did it purposely to be with her son Daniel!
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:42 AM
Even though it happened over 2 months ago, it's still hard to believe. Even though anna wasnt perfect it still caught me on gaurd with her death. God Bless her, and Dani Lynn!
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:26 PM