Jennifer Lopez had a screening at the Berlin Film Festival for her new movie Bordertown but started crying after the audience German audience responded with boos.
Those crazy Germans weren't saying "Boooo" they were saying "loooosssserrrr."
Posted by juiicySCOOP on Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 8:51 PM |Permalink
LMAO at the post and at the comment above!!!!! Oh and I hate having to type in the word verifications....
LMAO at the post and at the comment above!!!!! Oh and I hate having to type in the word verifications....
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:08 AM
I mean, there's nothing left to say. Anonymous said it all. And as prettygirlred said, the word verfication is very annoying.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:51 AM
Dayum anon....say how you really feel. I have to say I agree with all you said. She looked a hella mess in that photo.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:05 PM