Prince Is The Next Al Sharpton...

Prince was at a Hollywood Strip Club over the weekend. Now during his attendance at this strip club he went up to the dancers and started preaching to them in his little squeaky voice, telling them that it is "wrong to dance like that", "What would your parents think if they could see you now", "you're too good for this".
Prince then asked them how much they made per night and said he would pay them double if they would go home and stop doing this because it offended his beliefs as a Jehovahs witness.
Of course the panty-droppers looked at him all crazy and told him to go' on about his business, because if he paid them tonight, what about tomorrow night, and the next night?
Then prince sat back down and continued to watch them fling their crotch-less panties over greedy mens heads.
Prince is the only person I know who can go into a strip club, preach to these young ladies telling them that what they are doing is the evil, then go back to his table and continue sipping on his Patron while throwing dollar bills at 'Diamond'.
What is wrong with him! Please put away the chest hair :-X
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:42 PM
In my opinion everyone must browse on this.
Liver Sage Sausage
Posted by
Rafe |
3:21 PM