Celebrities as Disney Characters...
Annie Leibovitz was hired to shoot a new ad campaign for Disney. The campaign called World’s Year of a Million Dreams dresses up celebrities as famous Disney characters. The first images of the series will be in the March edition of Vogue, GQ and other magazines
The first set has David Beckham as the Sleeping Beauty prince, Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella, Beyonce as Alice, Lyle Lovett as the March Hare and Oliver Platt as the Mad Hatter.

The first set has David Beckham as the Sleeping Beauty prince, Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella, Beyonce as Alice, Lyle Lovett as the March Hare and Oliver Platt as the Mad Hatter.

I saw these ads and thought they were hot...the celebs seem so random. I guess Disney is trying to attract a new audience. I think these ads might be a little too much for the kiddies. LOL.
Posted by
Keli |
7:03 PM
A black alice is a good idea but NOT BEYONCE PLEASE NO WAY.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:23 PM
I think Beyonce looks cute as Alice. Its not suppossed to be a glamour shot.
In the story, Alice is supposed to be high on mushrooms and experiencing some strange things. I think Annie captured that in this picture.
Can't wait to see who the other celebs are going to be in this promo.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:15 PM
Enuf of Beyonce already.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:00 AM
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Samuel |
8:07 AM
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Posted by
Nicole |
5:16 AM
This won't succeed in reality, that is exactly what I think.
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Posted by
Anonymous |
10:53 PM