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Inmate Hires Hitman To Behead Police Commissioner in Sean Bell Case

A Rikers inmate looking to avenge the Sean Bell shooting came up with a plan to behead Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly - and tried to hire a hit man to carry it out, cops charged yesterday.

"I want his head chopped off," David Brown, a 400-pound, 6-foot-2 Brooklyn thug, allegedly told an undercover cop posing as a contract killer. "I'm just fed up with the case where the guy got shot 50 times," Brown said, according to cops.

And he wasn't going to stop with Kelly's murder, cops said. Brown also wanted the hit man to figure out a way to blow up NYPD headquarters.

"I want them to feel like I'm a mother.f------ terrorist," Brown allegedly said.

Talking in hushed tones, Brown told the stunned officer he specifically wanted Kelly decapitated and he was willing to pay $15,000 for the deed. The officer responded that a beheading wasn't the kind of thing even an experienced killer could pull off in public.

That's when Brown exposed his entire plot - he also wanted the killer-for-hire to blow up 1 Police Plaza, the NYPD's downtown headquarters, for an additional $50,000.
The veteran officer warned Brown that blowing up police headquarters could cost as much as $150,000 - on top of the $15,000 for Kelly's murder. Brown didn't flinch at the price but made sure the hit man didn't lose sight of his most important goal: "My first priority is Police Commissioner Kelly."


I watched the news and was confused about the story. How in the world can someone offer $15,000 bounty price head for the commish. He always surrounded with police guards and bombing the police headquarters!!!

Where would black people get enough explosive to make a dent in that building.

I think this is just the police or prosecutor throwing a monkey wrench to make shawn bell case look like it was warranted shooting when all these police need to go to jail for a while to make a sample out of them. If it was a blackie that killled a police officer how quickly the grand jury would have convicted and bail set for 2million and he would never see the light of day.

The chap is absolutely just, and there is no question.
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