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Foxy Brown Gets Booted From Radio Station...

Earlier this month I reported how Foxy Brown was let go from Def Jam because Jay Z thought her new album "lacked prodoctivity", in other words the heffa's supposed comeback album "Black Roses"would have made Kevin Federlines cd sound like gold. Well our beloved Inga went on 105.1 radio station where Egypt and Ashy confronted her about this allegation.

"After continuing to insist she was "signed to Jay," but refusing to explain further, she finally erupted: "See, what people don't know is that I initiated leaving Def Jam They didn't drop me, they could never drop me. I am a multiplatinum artist." (Yeah back in 98)

Egypt then triask Foxy Brown about her conviction for assaulting a manicurist. "I am not getting into what took place in the nail salon because it was an unfortunate incident that I learned from," Brown snapped.

"But you contacted me to talk about these things," Egypt shot back. "This is your opportunity, your platform to set the record straight. You have to admit that people say you are hard to work with and have a bad attitude."

When Ashy tried to pick up the questioning, Brown roiled, "I am not answering you. You are disrespectful." She then berated Egypt, "I told you when I called you what type of questions I wanted for my interview." Egypt finally commanded, "Foxy, you leave the room . . . this interview is over."

Source: PageSix

Fox Boogy Brown is multiplatinum selling artist you say. Damn let me go get some grease so I can grease up my dookie braids while wearing my BK Knights with my cross color jeans on.


Girl you better stop before dookie braid actually come back!

Foxy needs to take damn seat.

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