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Chris Rock/Fantasia on Oprah

Yesterday I was having one of my moments and decided to watch Oprah for guidance. Well guess who was on? Chris Rock along with his beautiful wife Malaak and daughters Lola and Zahra. So much for those rumors of them splitting!

And Fanny was also on talking about her role as "Celie" in the Broadway play "The Color Purple".


God I hope Oprah gets Fantasia some acting lessons because her Lifetime movie was far from good. How does someone suck so bad playing herself.

Barb you just couldn't say anything positive huh? Fantasia was great on Oprah. SHe sang her butt of and I am certain that she will be a hit on Braidway. By the way, Fantasia has long said that she was not an actress and was not allowed to get coaching or lessons prior to her debut. Give her a break, I'm sure she is being coached for her starring role.

Chris Rock doesn't look really interested in his wife anymore.

I thought Fantasia did a great job on her show. But Broadway is something different. With her as Celie and Michelle Williams as Shug Avery, I don't know if that's gonna work out. I hope so...

Compared to the recent pics I have seen of Fantasia floating around the web, I think these pics look GREAT!!! She looks wonderful! Let's hope she keeps this look for a while.

Thanks so much for the post, really effective data.
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